Boot Camp for New Dads
Practical & preparatory training for expectant & new parents.
Our next Boot Camp will be on Saturday, February 1st from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
We are offering monthly Boot Camp for New Dads workshops in Portland, always from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Upcoming Boot Camp dates are below.
February 1st
March 1st
April 12th
May 10th
June 21st
Boot Camp for New Dads is a half-day workshop for expectant dads and people who identify as fathers. Trained facilitators from Maine Boys to Men lead short discussions about
- the social constructs of gender and parenting roles;
- responding to and resisting stereotypes;
- caring for infants and supporting partners;
- creating equal participation in parenting; and
- actively shaping your role as dads.