Intersectional Identities
It is important for us as facilitators to continually consider how we are or are not identifying with the topics, how we are relating to them, and how youth may be relating us to the topics. This is a place to explore that. What is it like to present this material from your perspective, from your sense of identity? How does your gender, or your race, or your sexual orientation, or your age, or your cultural heritage interact with how you facilitate this work?
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1 year, 5 months ago
Managing Pushback or Contention
When diving into sensitive, complex topics with youth, we often bump up against parts of the dominant story that have helped shape the early development of their identities. Their reaction can come out in confusion, or as struggle with the content or activities, or sometimes as outright rebuke or denial. How have you, as facilitators of these important conversations, handled these situations as they’ve come up? Would you make any recommendations to others? Or, do you have any questions or concerns about navigating these conversations?
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1 year, 5 months ago
Ongoing Development
Already facilitating conversations or activities with young people? Are you noticing anything that resonates with them? Are you noticing anything that’s going well? Are there areas that you’re struggling with? At Maine Boys to Men, we are constantly having these ongoing conversations to try and reflect and improve. We would love to hear about your experiences!
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1 year, 5 months ago
mpriceman (Moderator)
Open Forum and General Inquiries
This is a place to ask any questions, or post any concerns, or seek any feedback, related to anything related to the work! Having trouble managing time amid great conversations? Getting interesting feedback from students? Wondering about a handout? If you have anything at all, you can talk about it here!
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5 months ago