In 2016, fathers reported spending an average of eight hours a week caring for their children— that’s about triple the time they reported back in 1965. This is great news because children who grow up with involved fathers are 45% less likely to repeat a grade; 60% less likely to be suspended or expelled from school; twice as likely to go to college and find stable employment after high school; and 80% less likely to spend time in jail. (Source: Pew Research Center)
If you are interested in connecting with other dads to explore fatherhood today, please check out “Fatherhood: Generations of Change.” This workshop series engages and connects fathers through an interactive and informative discussion. You’ll strengthen bonds with your children and learn more about raising socially aware young people.
We will explore healthy masculinities, boundaries, consent, communication, upstander intervention, and the connection between these and the reduction of male self-harm and violence towards others. Overall, we hope to create a stronger sense of empathy, connection, and belonging with our children and in our relationships.