Our fall fundraising appeal is here and with it is your chance to receive a book! But first, we’d like to highlight a few of our accomplishments from the past year.
- Despite the pandemic, we reached over 1,000 youth with our Reducing Sexism & Violence Program (RSVPTM).
- We presented workshops and trainings to over 400 teachers, coaches, school administrators, parents, and other youth-influencing adults.
- We worked with Portland’s growing immigrant population, offering regular meetings (on Zoom and in person) as well as trainings with presenters like SCORE. Through this program, we are collaboratively exploring ways to support violence prevention and healthy relationships in the community.
- Our Training Institute provided youth-serving adults across the state with the skills and knowledge needed to bring our unique violence-prevention curriculums to youth in their communities.
Please show your support of our mission with a gift of any size. With your help, we will continue the important work of creating safe, non-violent communities for all. During this appeal, your gift of $250 will be thanked with a copy of Emma Brown’s To Raise a Boy: Classrooms, Locker Rooms, Bedrooms and the Hidden Struggles of American Boyhood. Our work is mentioned in this important book about the need to raise emotionally healthy boys.